Brooks Dean | 2 Months

TWO months with our sweet munchkin.

Brooks Dean had an adventurous second month of life. From moving states, going on his first airplane flight, and officially meeting ALL of his family, and Santa, it was memorable, to say the least.

Brooks clearly did not mind moving. We left his first home and he slept for nearly the entire ride, apart from our stops to get gas and feed him. We brought along his pack-and-play for the three nights in the hotel and until our stuff arrived at the new house. He slept like normal all three nights!

On both of the flights to Pennsylvania and back to Texas he nursed when we took off and landed to help his ears with the pressure. During our layover, I had time to get him changed, but because he is used to being changed and fed right after, he cried until we got onto the plane. As soon as he was fed he did not make a peep. Since he is an infant we were allowed to register one of our tickets as “infant on lap” for no extra cost.

He has seriously been the best addition to our family. Marsh and I are over the moon in love and I cannot imagine my life without him. I just love being a mom!

During his second month, he continues to sneeze in sets of three, has the cutest yawns, and loves showing off his gummy smile until a camera is around, then nothing!

This last month he has come out of the newborn shell slightly and is bright-eyed in between his naps. During the day he still wants to be held all the time and walked around when he is awake. His overall health has been great. After our adventures, Marshall and I both got sick, while Brooks stayed perfectly healthy (thank you breastmilk antibodies).

After a bit of a struggle with gaining weight in the beginning, it is safe to say he is now growing like a weed! His 2-month checkup was one week late because of traveling back to Texas and getting a new pediatrician but, he was a champ! He completely blew the length and head chart out of the water.

Length: 24.5 inches (91st percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds 5 ounces (35th percentile)
Head: 16.1 inches ( 90th percentile)
Clothing: 0-3 Month Clothing
Diapers: Size 1

His new pediatrician is amazing and walked through every little thing with us, which made this first-time mama very happy. She suggested hydrocortisone cream for the bumps on his face and it has begun clearing up almost completely. She pointed out that he favors his one side, which we knew from him only ever wanting to look to his right and keeping his head one way all night. It is called torticollis and is causing a minor flat spot. We are hoping with some neck exercises it will correct itself and fix any flat spot. We left the pediatrician with an appointment to be seen for his 4-month check-up.


  • Move (Florida to Texas)
  • Hotel Stay
  • Airplane Flight
  • Christmas
  • Visit to Pennsylvania
  • Time meeting Aunt Emily, Uncle Dan, Cousins, and Marshall’s parents


Brooks has been a great sleeper. He sleeps in his crib in his own room. We continue to use the Hatch-Rest sound machine during the night and took this portable one with us during all of our travels, which I really think helped him. We also continue to swaddle him nightly, although by morning his hands have usually escaped. He is quite the wiggle worm and scooches the entire length of the crib throughout the night. He has already knocked out one of his night wakings and is only up once at night, usually, around 3 or 4 am. As soon as he is done eating he will sleep for about another 3 hours. His longest sleep stretch has been 10 hours and I am all for it. I woke Marshall up to tell him that B was still asleep because I was so happy. He is just the happiest baby after a good night’s rest so it really is a win for everyone.


We are still supplementing, but he has been doing great from going breast to bottle and back. He spits up a decent amount almost every time, even after burping. He makes the sweetest coos while eating, it gives everyone a smile. After nursing, he takes a bottle of about 2 ounces. At nighttime, he is pure formula fed 4 ounces and I pump for his last bottle of the night/ morning to be breastmilk. His schedule varies slightly but a routine with this one has been amazing. The more of a routine we have had the better he does all around, so we make sure he eats every 3 hours during the day.


I love watching the concentration on his face now that his vision is getting better. He enjoys laying on his back and staring at his hanging toys for a little. He has swatted a few times and gives the biggest smiles. He has found a love for the Fisher-Price sit-me-up floor seat that my parents had when we were back in PA for the holidays, so Santa was sure to have one at our house when we got back to TX. He still hates tummy time but will tolerate it a few minutes more. We do about 15 minutes a day but keep it broken up since he is not a fan.


Riding in the car
Being in the wrap
Sit-Me-Up Chair


Being put down
Sitting still if awake

My Brooks baby. Thank you for joining our family. You have made this huge transition of becoming parents so amazing. From the sweetest cuddles, the best smiles, I cannot stop staring at you. Your blue eyes are a little lighter now but still resemble those newborn baby blues. Your cheeks are starting to round out again but my have you grown long. Your long wispy hair is the softest thing I have ever felt and I love how it feels when you nuzzle up under my chin.

Your family loves you more than you will ever know and the joy on their faces spending your first Christmas together was magical. I wondered who was in my belly for 9 months and my darling if I knew it was you I would have been even more impatient then I was. So time please slow down.

Brooks Overload: