10 Tips for New Moms

“It takes a village to raise a child.” Us moms are that village so why not share our knowledge.

I know what you’re thinking, you have one baby who is not even half a year old, why would we take advice from you?! But everything I am going to share with you is advice I was given from experienced moms, nurses, and doctors. The stuff you don’t come across on the internet during your late-night searches, even though I am guilty of searching just about everything.

I know some people hate getting advice, but I love it when people give me knowledgable advice and tips that actually help! I was given some amazing advice, stuff I never would have thought of, so I am passing on my 10 favorite tips to you.

Don’t Google Everything

This was my go-to for a while, then a friend told me to stop! It is easier said than done but trust your “mom instincts”. Now if you are really clueless of course google but do what you feel is best! Ask other moms, it will probably be more helpful than taking advice from a complete stranger on the internet.

Well Visits: First Appointment later in the week

My doctor told me this and I had never thought of it and never would have. When you think about it though it totally makes sense! People get sick over the weekend, so the first thing Monday morning they go to the doctor. Avoid Monday appointments at all costs when you have your littles well visit. Also, try getting the first appointment, whether that be the first one in the morning or the first one after their lunch break. This lets you be seen fast without having to wait in the waiting area for an extended amount of time if your doctor is running behind schedule.

Petroleum Jelly & Water Wipes

Skip the ointments and chemicals. Petroleum Jelly (or coconut oil) is all you need for that little tush. Use the jelly or oil during diaper changes, most importantly the first change in the morning and the last change before bed (you can use it throughout the day too if you want). We have not had a single mark of diaper rash and rumor has it if we keep up with it we never will. The same rule goes for water wipes. Diaper rash is caused by the skin drying out. Using water wipes will not cause that near as much. Finish the diaper change off with petroleum after water wipes and hopefully, you never will have to deal with any rash!

Extra Clothes

I know it is pretty common to have extra clothes for your baby in your diaper bag but you usually don’t have any extra clothes for you! Keep at least one shirt in your car for you (and your spouse). Those random spit-ups or crazy blowouts don’t need to be worn around all day.

Stop Comparing

No baby is the same. Again, NO BABY IS THE SAME! Stop comparing how yours sleeps, eats, learns, develops, everything to others. Every baby is different. This goes back to the no googling. With littles being so different, how could one plan work for every child?! It can’t. Know the big developmental marks but don’t have it all set in stone. Every situation is vastly different. Stop comparing and just enjoy what your little is doing when they want to do it!

Car Seat Carry

A friend showed me this right when we brought our little home from the hospital and let me tell you it is a game-changer. Instead of caring the car seat in the crook of your arm, you stick your arm through and lift it up with a straight arm. I am telling you the weight distribution difference is amazing. Your back will thank you later.

Carseat Behind Passenger Seat

Having your baby located behind the passenger seat is the best spot for you to easily look up and see them in a baby mirror. This location is also more accessible to reach back and fix something if you need to.


Zippers, Zippers, Zippers. Midnight diaper changes are tiring enough. Try finding 1,000,000 buttons in the dark, yes it can be done, but just save yourself the headache and get zipper sleepers.

Ask for Help

Swallow your pride and do it. In the beginning, it seems like people are everywhere but they quickly disappear. Ask them to hold your baby so you can shower, run an errand, take a breath by yourself. Would you rather just relax with your baby? YOU SHOULD! Ask for help getting groceries, folding the laundry, washing the dishes. I don’t always agree that you should have to ask, so be the person that does it for a friend that has a baby. I now know how hard it all is and will gladly fold my friend’s laundry so they can get more snuggle time with their littles. Don’t be afraid, just ask for help.

Pacifiers & Burp Rags

You think you have enough but you never do. Have burp rags and pacifiers in just about every main living space you will be spending a lot of time (and while you are at it toss an extra in the car). You need them quickly and don’t want to run around the house with spit-up rolling down your arm finding a burp rag or searching for a pacifier if they are almost asleep. Stock up and place them around the house.

Bonus Tip

One last piece of advice the nurse gave me. Have a bottle and formula in the house. Keep it in a closet or put it away if you plan on exclusively breastfeeding. Life happens and sometimes things don’t always go as planned. Just have it as an “in case of an emergency” situation! If you never need it, great! If you do, you will be glad you have it instead of having to take your newborn out of the house at 3 am.

I hope you new mommas find these 10 (+1 bonus) tips helpful. Find your village, follow your momma instincts, and enjoy those baby snuggles.

Photo by: Stacy Barber Photography